Background Information 

DEPCOT, or Development Path for Community Transformation, is a dynamic hybrid organization driving social change in Uganda. Since our establishment in 2010 (Reg. No. 80020001171879 with Uganda Registration Services Bureau), we've been committed to fostering holistic empowerment and sustainable development across vulnerable communities. 

Operating as both a social enterprise and nonprofit, DEPCOT addresses a diverse range of thematic areas. From promoting educational access and sustainable livelihoods to environmental protection and healthcare initiatives, We are committed to uplifting communities comprehensively. Our Certificate of Registration, numbered 2900, and our permit, numbered 3809, were issued by the National Bureau for NGOs, with our File No. as MIA/NB/2011/01/2933.

At the core of our operations are our values: equity, innovation, sustainability, professionalism, voluntarism, and teamwork. Through strategic objectives rooted in community empowerment and social justice, DEPCOT is driving tangible change, paving the way for a brighter and a  more sustainable future for Uganda.



Vision Statement

"A thriving society with strengthened resilience and improved quality of life for all" 

Mission Statement

"To holistically empower vulnerable communities through education, sustainable livelihoods, promotion of human rights, environmental protection and health initiatives, fostering resilience and improving quality of life" 

Operating Principles 

o Impartiality  

o Voluntarism  

o Neutrality 

Core Values 

  1. Equity and Justice: Ensuring fairness and equality for all members of society
    1. Creativity and Innovation: Fostering innovative solutions to address complex challenges
      1. Sustainability: Committing to practices that preserve and protect the environment for future generations
        1. Excellence and Professionalism: Striving for the highest standards of quality and professionalism in all our endeavors
          1. Voluntarism: Embracing the spirit of voluntary service and community engagement
            1. Teamwork: Collaborating effectively to achieve common goals and objectives
              1. Respect for Humanity and Dignity: Upholding the inherent worth and dignity of every individual
                1. Integrity and Transparency: Maintaining honesty, accountability, and transparency in all actions and decisions
                  1. Commitment to Ethical Conduct: Adhering to ethical principles and standards in all interactions and operations
                    1. Zero Tolerance for Corruption: Upholding the highest ethical standards and combatting corruption in all forms

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